Jodie Wolf and I have shared the same journalism classes since the beginning of this trimester, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her arrive on time. She shoots me a text: the buses are hell, going to be 10 mins late. Sorry babe x
Before long Jodie rushes in with a brilliant smile and charms us with her breezy British accent.
“Yeah, yeah all good. Just a busy day.”
I begin to understand what kind of busy. The hour and-a-half this 33-year-old powerhouse creative spends in class with us is just a tiny piece of her day.
Last weekend Jodie launched her own film and theatre studio, Bohemia Theatre. She invited me along. “You will love it, honey,” she promised.
So I made my way to a charming and spacious loft in Surry Hills. A tumble of plants hung down the walls, a guy with a guitar was playing soft indie tunes, and in the corner was a healthy vegan buffet.

Jodie’s personality lit up the room. I watched her doing what she does best: bringing people together. Introducing everybody, tangling people up into conversations before they even knew it. Working the room with genuine warmth. Every single second that Jodie has been late for class now made sense: this girl is juggling a lot of balls.
Jodie writes, produces, acts, dances, directs and teaches pilates. And let’s not forget, she studies journalism at Macleay College. So how does she fit it all in?
Her day starts in Maroubra at 5am, she explains. Emails, meetings and rehearsals are ahead.
“There are not enough hours in a day,”
So why on earth would she launch her own theatre on top of all that?
The roots of Bohemia Theatre go back to London in 2015.
“The creative industry in London is a very busy one. There is just not enough work, which is frustrating for actors.”
So Jodie started her own thing.
“I just want everybody to have a chance.”
Fair enough.
Bohemia Theatre now is a colourful collective of creative souls, bringing together actors, singers and dancers to create, rehearse, produce and perform a variety of theatre works.
“Art is not about being famous, it is about affecting people. I wanted to create a beautiful, supportive network,” says Jodie.

So what’s next? Rehearsals are about to start for her play Spirals, which will be onstage by December. There are plans to hold charity cabarets twice a year. And by next year Jodie also wants her own yoga studio.
At some point I had gently to remind her of Macleay’s upcoming exams. Why did you want to study journalism in the first place, I asked.
But it’s obvious, just going with the flow wasn’t enough for Jodie. She is always looking for new inspiration.
“I am a writer. And I wanted to know all there is to know about writing. I want to be on top of my game.”