The rise of Brooklyn Nine-Nine

From tackling serious social issues to producing hilarious slapstick comedy, TV series Brooklyn Nine-Nine has found success from pure relatable comedy, according to Australian film critic Brooklyn Gibbs.

“Brooklyn Nine-Nine is great because it’s diverse, by using modern day issues in a comedy and having each character have real emotions even though it’s acting,” she said.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine has made their greatest impact through Netflix around the world where people can stream the first four full seasons. From a recent poll of 270 Nine-Nine fans, results showed that 50 percent of current fans only started watching the series in 2018 where as a mere 15 percent started watching back when the show began in 2013.

“I love it! I think B99 is what we needed in 2018 as it’s relevant at this time and covers issues such as mental health, racism, sexuality and so much more,” said Gibbs.

What started off as an Andy Samberg goofy cop show has turned out to become a show that tackles relevant social issues with loveable characters that majority of people can relate with in 2018.

“People relate to the misfortunes and successes of characters, and the fact that B99 characters face and overcome obstacles is truly inspiring,” said Gibbs.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine does their best to shut down stereotypes and deal with issues around racism and sexuality while still providing comedic presence.

“I think it’s good when the characters pull up on things that other characters say or do that can be considered bullying and teaches the consequences of those actions.”

The series has become a worldwide phenomenon and is at it’s peak in 2018.

“They do a great job to relate storylines to real time issues and always have great messages for all age demographics,” said Gibbs.

B99 fan Sophie Chappell says the characters are so loveable and relatable, and that makes it for light and easy entertainment.

“They are different and each have funny and unique attributes,” said Chappell.

“I think it’s good publicity for tackling social issues because it brings them up and gets people intrigues by the comedy side while still giving a good message,” said Chappell.

The sixth season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine will air in the US sometime in 2019.